Southeastern Michigan League of Libraries

Save the Date! Spring 2025 Member Meeting

Save the Data: Sourcing, Securing, and Recovering Disappearing Information

The Southeastern Michigan League of Libraries, SEMLOL, is excited to announce our Spring membership meeting, discussing the library’s part in ensuring continued access to information and data. Digital (and also print) information has certain vulnerabilities and we as library professionals have a duty to ensure that our users are able to access authoritative and reliable information to meet their needs. In this session, we would like to share and explore ways that each of us are able, within our own practice, to provide continuing access to information that may disappear from websites of organizations we have come to rely on. We will provide opportunities to discuss ways that we can take action, and working together to share resources.

The Spring 2025 SEMLOL meeting will take place Tuesday, April 8, 2025 from 2-4 p.m. on Zoom. Stay tuned for registration information!

(Re)Join Us!

The SEMLOL board is inviting libraries to engage with SEMLOL as either full or liaison members. While our full members consist of academic libraries in the southeastern Michigan area, we acknowledge and value the input and perspective of the varied libraries that make up our liaison membership.

Together, we will work to connect members of our profession by offering low/no cost professional development and networking opportunities, with your input and participation. There has never been and will continue to not be any fees required from our members. The only commitment that we ask is that a good faith effort is made to send at least one staff member (empowered to cast their organization's votes) to the spring meeting each year.

To learn more about our organization, please review our newly revised organizational guidelines. If you would like to become involved, or continue your institution's involvement with SEMLOL, please complete our membership form.